Title: Pharmacological properties and water and olive oil soluble products of fullerene C60
Title: Enhancing physical and rheological properties of plant-based beverages thorough probiotic bacteria
Title: Identification and characterization of bacteria related to Gout
Title: Utilization of specific gut microbes and prebiotics for cancer therapy
Title: Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of Physalis minima
Title: Metagenomic inquiry of human gut microbiome for gluten-degrading enzymes for celiac disease therapy
Title: Psychobiotics: Impact of diet-modulated probiotic bacterial metabolites on enhancing mental health
Title: Dietary guidelines and meal planning for the diabetic patient during ramadan
Title: Enhancing the production of millet based fermented diary beverage: Brukina
Title: Antagonistic activity of bacteriocin-producing strain Streptococcus salivarius K12