Anju Kala completed her BVSc in 2007 from G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology with vice chancellors gold medal. She did her MVSc (2009) and PhD (2017) from Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar. She started her research career as scientist in 2015 at Indian Veterinary Research Institute. She has more than 75 publications in reputed research journals, invited lectures, compendia and books. Her main area of research is study of rumen microbial ecosystem, manipulation of rumen ecosystem for improving better utilization of poor quality roughages, reduction in methanogenesis, development of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotic products for animals.
Title : Supplementation of encapsulated multispecies probiotic improved gut health indicators in rats
Title : Calf- gut origin Lactobacillus ruteri and Jerusulam artichoke synbiotics modulated the gut microbiota to restore antimicrobial sensitivity after antibiotic feeding
Title : Calf-gut multi species probiotic shows enhanced anti-microbial potential against different E. coli isolates from field