Title : Enhancing physical and rheological properties of plant-based beverages thorough probiotic bacteria
Three plant-based beverages formulated with quinoa and chickpea flour blends were prepared using Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5, and the physical characteristics and thermal properties of the beverages were evaluated. Physical properties included the water-holding capacity (WHC), viscosity, deformation capacity under applied stress, and viscoelastic behavior. DSC and RVA results showed differences in the thermal and pasting properties of quinoa and chickpea flour. All beverages showed a decrease in pH (<4.5) and an increase in lactic acid (>1.7 g/L) after 10 hours of the fermentation. WHC showed no significant differences across the quinoa-to-chickpea flour ratios or between unfermented and fermented samples, demonstrating that these proportions and the low pH (<4.5) do not influence this property. Rheological analysis revealed a greater viscosity (>30 %) and an increase in the elastic modulus (> G’) of the fermented beverages. Notably, a quinoa-to-chickpea ratio of 50% exhibited the highest WHC (70 %) and viscosity (18 Pa. s) post-fermentation, suggesting that the inclusion of chickpea flour improved this parameter, likely due to the amylose and long-branch amylopectin content in chickpea starch, which impacts the rheological properties under fermented conditions. These results indicate that an increase in legume flour and homolactic fermentation employing Lactobacillus acidophilus as a starter can significantly enhance the physical characteristics of plant-based beverages. This approach offers promising potential for the future development of plant-based food.